Windows only: Text substitution app Texter saves you countless keystrokes by replacing abbreviations with commonly used phrases you define.

Unlike software-specific text replacement features, Texter runs in the Windows system tray and works in any application you're typing in. Texter can also set return-to markers for your cursor and insert clipboard contents into your replacement text, in addition to more advanced keyboard macros.

What it does: Lets you define text substitution hotstrings that, when triggered, will replace hotstring with a larger piece of text. By entering your most commonly-typed snippets of text into Texter, you can save countless keystrokes in the course of the day.

One common use example given for applications like Texter is email signatures. For example, you could define a series of hotstrings that would be replaced by different signatures. So something like sig1 will automatically be replaced by your full signature when triggered.

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